Marc Sanders
Marc Sanders
Bolivar, Missouri, United States
Relatively Unknown
JOINED: 8 years ago

LAST ACTIVE: 8 years ago

ACCOUNT: Confirmed profile
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Honors Received
Joshua Haltom (JAH) ⊙3
[P7.2015.44] 04/11/2015 know is to consider. Thank you for being part of the Free World.
Honors Awarded
Joshua Haltom (JAH) ⊙3
[P7.2015.44] 04/11/2015
Thank you for your honor. It's a big country (USA), but I often feel quite alone, knowing that our dominant cultures promote ignorance, violence, and selfishness - without being aware that they are doing so. It's nice to know that there are a few others in our country, such as you, who have been able to transcend the limitations imposed upon us by our prevailing societies. I encourage you to join United Earth - if you've not done so already (Colin sent an email on Oct. 14). I'm firmly convinced that only together can we begin to implement the changes needed to free the world. Peace be with you.
Grant Dive ⊙1
[P7.2015.32] 11/08/2015
Grant, you're definitely on the right track, mate! Keep up the great work, and I'll try to learn to help as best I can.
Ted Howard ⊙1
[P7.2015.31] 06/08/2015
Ted, you've given me hope, when my despair has been deepest. Let's create a world of life and liberty - today! - with the abundance within the grasp of existing technologies.

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